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*** Il s’agit d’une page indépendante gérée par des fans, sans affiliation ni approbation par Costco Wholesale ***
Veuillez noter : Le prix chez votre Costco local a préséance (ou préséance) sur les prix indiqués sur ce blog. Les articles Costco Liquidation/Manager’s Special (se terminant par .97) varient d’un magasin à l’autre. Un astérisque (*) sur l’étiquette de prix signifie que l’article n’est pas en cours de réapprovisionnement.
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Don’t squeeze the Charmin. Or do squeeze the Charmin. I have been blogging for about eight months During this time on the treasures we find at Costco. that time, I noticed a pattern. One month the Charmin is on sale; the next month, it is not. Guess what, guys? I’ve noticed that Charmin toilet paper goes on sale every other month, alternating with Scotties! Although Charmin might seem pricier, we actually use less of it, making it a better value in the long run. We used to buy Scotties on sale thinking it was cheaper, but we were mistaken. So, if you’re looking for a better deal on toilet paper, consider grabbing the Costco value pack of Charmin during their sale! #ToiletPaperSavings #TeamCharmin #Costcoblog de fan #Costco #blogging #RhondaMassad
Don’t squeeze the Charmin. Or do squeeze the Charmin. I have been blogging for about eight months During this time on the treasures we find at Costco. that time, I noticed a pattern. One month the Charmin is on sale; the next month, it is not. Guess what, guys? I’ve noticed that Charmin toilet paper goes on sale every other month, alternating with Scotties! Although Charmin might seem pricier, we actually use less of it, making it a better value in the long run. We used to buy Scotties on sale thinking it was cheaper, but we were mistaken. So, if you’re looking for a better deal on toilet paper, consider grabbing the Costco value pack of Charmin during their sale! #ToiletPaperSavings #TeamCharmin #Costcoblog de fan #Costco #blogging #RhondaMassad
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