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DISCLAIMER: While Costco product sales are usually consistent throughout Western Canada, there is some variability between provinces (and even stores). The price and availability at your local store takes precedence over the prices listed on this blog.

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  • You need to log in with a paid membership for this feature
  • When a user adds a product to the Costco Sale & Clearance Notification Alerts, users will receive an automated E-mail whenever an item in this list goes on sale or clearance.

    **While most product sales are consistent throughout Western Canada, there are some local variations. This blog does not affiliated with Costco so the prices at your local warehouse always take precedence over the prices recorded on this blog.**

    **If a product is purchased at regular price and later goes on sale, a member can take the receipt to the returns desk to price-match the sale. Costco will return the difference between the regular price and the sale price. The product must have been purchased within the last 30 days, it must also be in stock and listed at the sale price for the price-match to occur.